“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
Ideas this big can put people off, but when someone closer to home speaks of the same thing (a certain Tai Chi Master) you have to engage with it. To understand our place in the universe we have looked to the fields of Chemistry and Physics. I prefer to look towards Biology. It's defined as the "study of natural science: relating to living organisms. Including their structure, growth, function and evolution" it seems to me the most obvious choice to find the answers to my questions. I have read the books, I've studied the anatomy and I have experienced the pain required to fit it all together. Like Schrodinger's Cat when the box gets opened a certain reality collapses and we see it for what it truly is. Martial Arts opened the box for me many years ago. It changed my universal view. Quantum Mechanics has begun to describe what the Master's of the past understood hundreds of years ago. The key to life is energy. The universe exists so that life can exist. If these two things are interdependent and give rise to one another (as the Yin Yang symbol expresses) then also life exists so that the universe can exist. On a universal scale we can witness that balance needed to function right here on Earth. Where it's not too hot, not too cold. Not covered in desert, not drowning in vast oceans. Where we can breathe, which is the most important bridge between everything inside and everything outside of ourselves. Conditions here on Earth are "just right" like the third bowl of porridge or the third bed in the Bear's house Goldilocks visited. Balance is right here all around us. It has to be maintained or we may pay a price we haven't fully grasped yet. On a less galactic level, our bodies, our own microcosm must be maintained too. This is why we train. If you are interested and in the area (Edinburgh/Earth) I'll be teaching a workshop about energy cultivation and its importance. My ideas fall somewhere between Carl Sagan and David Ike and are no more/no less valid than any of theirs. :)