Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Books on the Coffee Table

Greetings all, I met a friend of mine the other day for a coffee and a chat about spirituality and all that! (it's something I do). I used an analogy to best express my thoughts and my view on it all. I kinda lost her, which is understandable, as the deeper the chats go the harder it can be to express yourself properly. Sometimes we censor ourselves deliberately, other times we just get lost down one of the rabbit holes we stumble upon. I spoke about the books on a coffee table, I think I actually said the books on a shelf but you understand the image I'm trying to conjure. Imagine, if you will the book is called "Your Divine Nature". The question that arises is "what is it doing on yer coffee table?"
Is it there because you dip into it on occasion when you're relaxing? Did you put it there to signal to your friends that you're into that sort of thing? Or is it there because you happen to be reading it right now?

Some people like to rub things in your face, be it their physicality, their sexuality and yes, even their spirituality. The things that belong to others, can be important, but not necessarily to you.  YOUR physicality, YOUR sexuality, YOUR spirituality is all that really matters. It is after all, only you that can practise them. A closed book on a coffee table isn't being read at that moment, therefore it is of no use. What I'm trying to say, (yes I appreciate I fell into one of them aforementioned rabbit holes) is you don't need a book about your divine nature, ever. I believe that humanity and spirituality are linked. Like Yin and Yang, intrinsic and giving rise to one another. I am no more spiritual when I climb up a mountain and chant (also something I do BTW) than I am when I go down the CO-OP for my fucking almond milk. My very humanity is the foundation for my spirituality, and that is the only thing that I should rub in someone else's face. YOUR humanity is the only thing that could only ever be important to someone else, all the time, every time.

I explore my humanity and therefore my spirituality through movement and the use of my body. I am fascinated by such things, maybe I have a freaky fetish but I get right into it? Mechanics, movement, grace, power, motion and emotion. I like to watch male gymnasts on the rings, those dudes don't even have six packs they have ten-packs! The strength and poise of a female dancer, the wonderfully triangular and symmetrical back muscles that ultimately you just want to touch, so you can feel that it's real. It is creepy in a way I know :) but the potentiality of the human body and by extension the potentiality of human spirit is one enormous puzzle I want to solve.

I mentioned sexuality earlier, you're probably wondering what that's all about? Same goes for me, sex is a wonderful exploration of our human nature through our bodies and when done right gives great insight into our divine nature. To me the throes of passion are not so different from the throws of Sanda! Each requires a commitment that leaves you vulnerable, a tangle of body and limbs, a courageous moment between you and another, and ultimately someone being on their back :)

 Joking aside, I do mean it, it is only in our most private moments that the majority of us reflect most deeply. It is there we find our most divine nature, but it has always been with us. Sad to think that many never experience themselves beyond looking in a mirror. We are humans and we are better than that.

Find your own practise, it may not be the same as anyone else's, but who cares? It's only for you and it is only you that will find it.

Sunday, 9 April 2017


I have recently returned from the beautiful and historic lands common to the major monotheistic religions, the lands of Samaria and Judea. In truth I am still reflecting on an amazing trip. It is said that great journeys begin first with a single step. I would contest that even before that, we envisage the final step. We think of the possibilities and the endless variations which our journey may lead us to. This inturn motivates us to take the step in the first place. Journeys don't necessarily need to be just geographical. They can be emotional, spiritual, physical or of any other countless reason. Ultimately, just like Combat Arts they promote growth and expansion. Some plan and plot every detail of the journey linking the steps in the most efficient way, others are happy to toss a stick in the air at a fork in the road, and walk whatever path fate may deem.

Expansion and growth are very important motivators; I travel both internally and externally to seek out humanity in its best form. I have never been disappointed yet with the things I have seen, discovered, revisited or met for the first time. There are many reasons people move from point to point or place to place but we mostly do it because it feels right. The act of seeking out humanity elsewhere, creates humanity in the very effort of doing so. Generally humans delight and thrive in change. Some prefer more gentle or subtle forms of change, others are happy to just go for it.

If you have been too tired of late to try something new or  maybe take on a new challenge, then maybe your energy has stagnated? Maybe you've been standing still too long? I recommend you move, move your body, move your outlook, move your base of learning. Not only will you see something different you will also feel something different. You have access to new energy always.

The best thing about movement in a concentric world is that you can only travel so far before you start coming home again! Destinations and goals are excellent of course but the space between is often where you find the real value.

Wherever you want to go in life or in body or in spirit, I wish you safe travels.