Sunday, 14 January 2018

Come off it! Get On it

Greetings and happy new year to you all. I sit here drinking a Beck's Blue contemplating how January really is the "Shithole" of the year! (political joke) It's dark, cold and windy, most of us last got paid four weeks ago (spent it all) and have another three weeks to go until next instalment. On top of that, many of us have given up our vices AND are on a diet!!  Sheesh! we sure pile stuff on, even after the stress of the festive season. Friday past (Jan 12th) is statistically the day that most people fail their resolution for the new year, that was the day I started to teach a new programme to a few brave souls. It is going to be hard work but I hope they enjoy and excel.

One thing that Combat Arts has over other parts of the fitness industry is the inherent discipline drilled into us, hopefully from day one. It is discipline that will get us through this month and it is discipline that will help us achieve what we want! It is by no means easy to remain disciplined, especially at this time of year.

The other thing rampant in Combat Arts sadly, is Bullshit! Some of it is harmless of course, like y'know, marketing, but some is not so harmless. I have been thinking about it a while and even brought it up at the Five Thunder training weekend. For a long time Martial Arts and particularly Traditional ones hid behind the idea that technique will better anything. Technique is key, I heard it often. Of course it's important but too much reliance on that idea makes people lethargic. Hence we can find 400lb Masters around the world.  That works if you're a Wrestling Master, not so great in other styles Karate/TKD/Kung Fu etc. It also doesn't set a great example for a younger person to follow. Athleticism is vital to success in this game. I'm not "Fat Shaming" or any other nonsense, and I'm not expecting folk to be like Michaelangelo's David. But we must implore on our students how important it is to lead an active life. We are in this ultimately for longevity and that means looking after the machines that the universe gifted us.

With athleticism as the base we will find it easier to employ tactics. If we know for example, we have a good range of motion or the ability to explosively move laterally, then we have a tactic we can use! If the body is healthy and is able to use its full physical potential then the potentiality of the technique increases. The scope of times it can be used also extends. Yes good technique also builds the body, of that I do not doubt. But think of a car with great body work and amazing custom wheels, how useful is it if the engine belongs in Del Boy's three wheeler?