Well another week is upon us and those Monday Blues might be getting you down but we have much to celebrate in the world of Combat sports. I was at a Kung Fu grading this morning watching the new students progress and then we got stuck into some of our own syllabus, more on that later!
A couple of things to celebrate in the meantime...
How about the very sensible decision by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) to re-instate Wrestling into the games, the less said about their decision to remove it in the firstplace the better!!
It's wrestling folks, one of the pillars on which the games and all Combat sports were built. Added to the games in 684BC how on earth could the games continue without it? Heracles and Theseus would be furious if they caught wind of the plot to remove it. Handy fighting tip: never incur the wrath of Gods especially ones that invented Combat Sports mmmkay? However a sense and a respect for history prevailed and Jacques Rogge made a wise choice. For wrestling some major overhaul was required but all for the better. A change of rules (they hadn't really changed since Heracles and Theseus wrote them) and a more inclusive policy with regard to female medal categories.
Talking of women in the Combat sphere here is a great cause to celebrate. A woman I was introduced to this week whilst having some down time. Guru Besar Rita Suwanda! Not only one of a few female Masters in the world but one from Indonesia too. How is that special? Well Indonesia's religion is predominantly Islam with the largest Muslim population in the world. Practicing Martial Arts and being a woman is tough enough let alone being a Master. Guru Rita is an exponent of Penkat Silat, check out the "Fight Quest" show on youtube for an insight.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2py-S8tcng&list=TL3jTAZzWwjtk
Another great female fighter pulling apart the perceptions of what a Martial Artist is, is Rosi Sexton. Or rather Dr. Rosi Sexton who holds a Phd in theoretical computer science, a degree in Osteopathy as well as a first class honours degree in Mathematics (from Cambridge no less) Not only does she scrap with the other 12 pro females in the UFC she balances it all whilst looking after an 8 year old son. She is in the news today as she makes her UK debut for the UFC next month. Good Luck.
What else can we celebrate? How about the positive impact that the Combat Sports are having on the favelas of Rio de Janeiro? I salute British founder of Luta Pela Paz (fight for peace) Luke Dowdney. Who has brought boxing to the gang war happening in the slums. Engaging the kids and would be gangsters and guiding them onto a different path away from the violence and drugs that they are so conditioned to. He says "Boxing was a way of opening a dialogue with kids not engaging in conventional programmes. It makes a young person strong, teaches you discipline and about never giving up"
Anyway lots of positive vibes going around but back to todays training to morn a small but significant loss! The Lau Gar syllabus is changing- this too will be a positive especially if the knife "defence" is re-examined! But I'm shocked to hear that something has been removed. The Double kick (cern-tak) I agree that it is not in keeping with the low kicks of the traditional aspect. The double kick is however a belter on the tournament circuit, which I understand fully is the reason why it is being removed from the traditional syllabus. But it still functions and it functions better than the "Machine gun kick" becoming more synonymous with point fighting (not that there is an intention to replace it). The thing about true Lau is that it has always been associated with tournament fighting indeed it is a functional fighting art which makes it a rare breed. So I think this one is a bad choice. I for one will still be teaching it. It may even squeeze the advantage my way so by all means let it go if you choose. My advice, step away from syllabus it should never be set in stone. "The art lives where freedom is" Thats what Bruce said and thats a good thing to reflect upon. I'm sure Rita, Rosi and Luke would agree.
I'll write soon I'm off to China next week!
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