Everyone seems to be in a philosophical mood at the moment it would appear. Maybe it's the time of year that makes us pause to reflect? We know that there is good and that we have much to be thankful for, but maybe it is something far deeper we have yet to understand? Whatever it is, it is undeniable that something is going on. There is obvious disillusionment that even borders on despair. We know that many things must be destroyed: corruption in all forms (spiritual/physical/monetary), tyranny and fear, oppression, injustice, obsolete systems of government, corporate hierarchies and unfulfilling lifestyles and relationships. (yeah sorry it's going to be one of them blogs-heavy!) I can see it in the art that we are producing, in the films and the music, in the books people write and in our media. We are all tired, but possibly on the verge of something great. A revolution? Every revolution begins with a different way of thinking and that is what I see now. We are saturated as a race and we seek to wring ourselves out. Thinking and theorizing is all well and good but we must leave this place and move to action. In times past we have turned to the warrior. Sadly the Warrior Class has been oppressed. They have been viewed negatively sometimes for good reason. On a planet where warfare has reached such "monsterous and pervasive proportions" this type of aggression and forward momentum is viewed very warily indeed. In the west we opted for a more suitable female friendly "soft masculine" whose time has passed. Aggression can be positive, a stance towards life that rouses, motivates and energizes us to take the offensive against life's problems. A warrior acts because he/she has to. No questions asked! A warrior is decisive with his/her life. Through training they gain awareness, clarity of mind and have purpose behind their actions which means they can engage against the problem, whatever it is: a shit Government, a shit boss, a shit relationship it really extends to the minor things in life too. A warrior doesn't need to be a hero, you don't need to overdo it!! Drama for the sake of drama, don't use more energy on a problem than you have to. That is what makes the warrior much more important than the hero and much more useful. A warrior can be called on again at any time to face future trials. Don't set out to be a hero, just be, it is only your peers that get to decide if you are a hero or a villain. Times are changing folks, we all feel it right? The battle plan is getting drawn up- we each have to decide where we will be most useful.

I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!! Can you tell by my caps lock?! I especially like that the piece is written in the style of a warrior - to the point and looking ahead with purpose. nice to leave us readers thinking about our own life purpose at the end too. thank you! :)