We are now in a recognised era of "alternative facts". Truth is the Martial Arts have been in that era for a much longer time. This is a very touchy and controversial subject but it would be remiss of me to shy away from it. To be honest however, I have never actually cowered from it before, and have made my views fairly public about the misnomer that is "Self defence". At the foot of the page I will link a video for you to look at. I want you to appreciate that this is not an attack on any individual and by no means an attack on someone's level of skill. Infact the video I have chosen to highlight, does the opposite, it shows this particular practitioner to be very skilled indeed. In a previous blog post I have written about how it is important to distinguish between Martial Artists and Fighters. To be clear, I advocate any type of training regime over any type of non-training regime, but we must appreciate that people have a vast spectrum of motivations for engaging in Combat Sports. At one end of the spectrum we have self perfection at the other we have self protection. The vast majority of people seek to find a sweet equilibrium between the two. They are however very different, although not mutually exclusive by any means. What you can watch at the foot of the page needs to be called out for what it is for fear of misleading. It's a very slick marketing device with fairly decent production values (it does feature interlacing artefacts, but I only spotted that because as a cinema technician that is my day-job). It is not reflective of self defence and should not be associated as such. Again I stress this is not an attack on a clearly skilled individual but be aware that it is a very skilled practitioner in "demo-mode" it is not reality. There is very clear compliance from the training partner allowing for the showcase of individual talent. There is also an element of rehearsal, which I'm not against that either, I've done enough demos over the years to appreciate the need to polish a performance for lesser educated eyes. Using the reference of Bruce Lee in the URL is a fairly callous method of affecting people into that weird submissive type of psychology that we all hold about ourselves ie Bruce Lee was a figure that illustrated physical potential that most of us aren't living up to. So we have this guy as a substitute and by extension a martial system that can make us that way. All fine and well until you understand that the silky fancy moves he executes are well practised and polished and affected as a scenario on a compliant almost docile partner. This for me in a nutshell is the problem with Martial Arts and the ranking system. You are supposed to perform various previously agreed upon scenarios to show how good you are, even though it may not only be contrived but actually detrimental to your health ie taking a gun from someone. It ultimately leads to a false sense of accomplishment and people putting stock in utter bullshit. Watch the video further, into the sparring portion. Again I feel I must state that him doing 1 min rounds against 65 people is admirable and certainly a challenge which illustrates his skill further but look at the the array of technique on display now in comparison to the mad shit he was doing before. It is not forthcoming, he has sought safety in the good old whacking and smacking. He has done this because it is the safer and more efficient method. Not only that but it is the default setting of real people! Through experience we all learn that risk management, then threat management then (god forbid it be required) crisis management is the real challenge. This is a much better three step process to safety that we should aim to understand moreover than performing highly adroit fine motor skills under stress. The latter doesn't fuckin' work. If you want to learn how to defend yourself, then learn how to fight. Spar and compete. Hand to hand, toe to toe, tooth and nail. Learn how to punch, learn where and when to punch and above all be prepared to develop the c*nt inside you! It is the vital resource which can tip you to victory. A huge list of techniques will amount to fuck all in terms of self protection. Find a few that work, drill them. Understand the concepts of genuine combative flow and it will serve you much better. Understanding concepts in turn will allow you more freedom of technique. By all means train as many techniques as you want, learn your martial alphabet and create new words but be aware that sometimes a simple "Fuck you" gets the point across perfectly well. Stay safe and don't get stupid!
The Bruce Lee of Krav Maga
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