Christmas is over and the gym reopens tomorrow! It's a funny time, the space between Christmas and New Year. Sort of like coming up for a short breath before plunging back into a tempestuous sea, except the sea in this case is a maelstrom of alcohol, chocolate and relatives opinions. The gyms are about to get mega busy as many among us delve into ill-fated fitness kicks. It's enough to put the lesser inclined right off! DON'T BE THE LESSER INCLINED, don't wait for the new year or next week or the next Monday to start something new. Start as soon as you can, make new habits. You'll feel weak no doubt, physically I mean. In TCM we associate strength with tendons which in turn is associated with the liver. You've just spent days punching your liver in the liver, it doesn't like you. You want to change things? Do you want to lose some weight in 2017? It's pretty common to think like that around now. Why not go into 2017 already on a good thing? Start now with the fitness. It is easier than you think and you don't need a gym. Not at first anyway, which is good. In about a months time you will need a gym, by then the lesser inclined, the weaker among us won't be there. They'll have sacked it off. You don't get fat overnight and likewise you don't get fit overnight. There isn't a short cut. You have to do it all for yourself, which makes it all the sweeter. 4 weeks from now you will notice a difference, 4 weeks after that your family and loved ones will notice. A further 4 weeks from that everyone will notice. That might put people off instantly but I am only trying to be honest with you. This is a reasonable time scale to expect results.
Take this challenge. This is how I began my programme, it's fun and achievable. Four times a week-five if you can face it, but never work more than two days back to back without a rest. Do 12-14 rounds of HIIT 40sec on 30sec rest.
40 sec High Knees full effort
30 sec light shadowboxing
40 sec Mountain Climbers full effort
30 sec light shadowboxing
40 sec Burpees Full effort chest to floor
30 sec Light Shadowboxing
40 sec Push ups full effort
repeat x3 working to x4
Takes you about 17 minutes. Do it first thing in the morning before you eat. What to eat? Not just what but when. 3 full meals a day. Eating every 2-3 hours. On your training day eat the carbs within the hour of working out, Carb sources are bread, bagel, pasta, rice, potato or oats. Avoid them the rest of the time. Eat clean food you have to cook. Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Salmon and Tuna. In general construct your meal like this:
Protein Source 300g (see above)
Fibrous veg x 2 (90g per veg)
Greens 130g (beans, broccoli, asparagus etc)
Sauce 50g (sour cream, yoghurt, cottage cheese, soy, sweet chilli etc)
If you trained take the carb source of your choice 70-80g
If you have a rest day complete your plate with an additional fat source, foods like avocado, nut butters, nuts or seed, feta, mozzarella, eggs same again 70-80g.
Obviously this is not a detailed nutrition plan and I am by no means a nutritionist. There are plenty of online resources and experts that you can and should consult if you are serious. I offer this to you purely as general advice that more importantly is "Shit you can actually do". Cut out crap food, we all know what that is! snacking twice daily (on nuts, fruit or protein based snacks) plus the increased meal frequency tends to mean you don't eat for the sake of it. Satiety levels are very pleasing eating like this. Cut out sugar in tea/coffee and of course avoid alcohol. Drink water, genuinely at minimum, 3 litres spread throughout the day and green tea anytime. Does it sound hard? It isn't really. It's a good start and you will look and feel better. That is what is most important. Small steps taken with conviction are better that huge leaps taken haphazardly. My strongest advice I could give would be for you to take on an actual programme. Spend the money and invest in yourself.
I can only wish you all a less turbo-shite time in the year ahead. Like I said small steps.....
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